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Many may chew more than they can swallow, causing them to feel like giving up everything at once, at one point of time. Classic INFP behavior! Pending, Please Wait Of all the fantastic, wonderful ideas that occur to the INFPs, more than half never get worked upon. If only they would complete all that they think of, each one would be a world-changing pioneer. Think about it, INFPs! Pure At Heart At the core, there's difficult to find a purer heart than that of an INFP. Not for nothing are they called 'the children of Myers-Briggs'! But such pure hearts need to defend themselves in a cynical world, keep believing in themselves and basically, keep rocking the kindness game. More power to you, Healers (as they are called)! What are the Different Kinds of Jealousy? Bet You Don't Know All Jealousy is an ugly green monster which preys on each one of us at different points of our lives.
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